Terms & Conditions

  • By accessing and using aichatter.io website (the "Website"), you agree to comply with and be bound by the following Terms & Conditions. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not access or use the Website.

  • The content provided on aichatter.io is for informational purposes only. The Website makes no representations or warranties of any kind, either express or implied, regarding the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of any information on the Website.

  • The Website may contain links to third-party websites or resources. These links are provided for your convenience and do not signify any endorsement or responsibility of the content on these third-party websites. The Website shall not be liable for any damages or losses related to the use of such third-party websites.

  • The Website may use cookies to enhance user experience and provide personalized content. By using the Website, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with the Website's Privacy Policy.

  • Users are prohibited from using the Website for any unlawful or unauthorized purposes. This includes violating any applicable laws, regulations, or third-party rights. Users are also prohibited from engaging in any activity that could disrupt, impair, or interfere with the proper functioning of the Website.

  • The Website reserves the right to modify, suspend, or terminate the Website at any time, without prior notice or liability. Additionally, the Website may modify these Terms & Conditions at any time. Users are advised to review the Terms & Conditions periodically for any changes.

  • The Website does not guarantee the availability, reliability, or uninterrupted operation of the Website. While reasonable efforts are made to ensure the Website's security, the Website cannot guarantee the security of user data transmitted over the Internet.

  • The Website respects the intellectual property rights of others and expects users to do the same. Users are prohibited from infringing upon any copyrights, trademarks, or other proprietary rights while using the Website.

  • Users are solely responsible for their actions on the Website. The Website shall not be liable for any damages or losses arising from user conduct or activities.

  • These Terms & Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [jurisdiction]. Any disputes arising out of or relating to these Terms & Conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in [jurisdiction].

By using aichatter.io, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms & Conditions.


Diese Website verwendet Cookies, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie das beste Erlebnis auf unserer Website erhalten. Cookie-Richtlinie
